1. The Holy Spirit's Working In Elisha's Ministry (II Kings 2-13)

    1. Parting of the Jordan (2:12-14)

    2. Healing of the Waters (2:18-22)

    3. Irreverence Miraculously Judged (2:23-25)

    4. Miraculous Water Appears as Blood (3:13-22)

    5. Increase of the Widow's Oil (4:1-7)

    6. Shunammite's Son Raised from the Dead (4:8-37)

    7. Miracle of the Deadly Pottage (4:38-41)

    8. Miracle of the Multiplication of Loaves (4:42-44)

    9. Miracle of the Healing of Leprous Naaman (5:1-14)

    10. Miracle of the Floating Axhead (6:1-7)

    11. Reveals Enemies Plans (6:8-12)

    12. Man of God's Eyes Supernaturally Opened (6:13-17)

    13. Syria's Army Blinded in Answer to Prayer (6:18)

    14. Prophecies Food in Famine (7:1-20)

    15. Prophecies Death of King of Syria

    16. Man Miraculously Raised from Dead by Bones of Elisha (13:21)

  2. The Holy Spirit in Galatians

    1. Liberty of the Holy Spirit vs. The Bondage of the Law (5:1-15)

    2. Struggle fo the Flesh and Spirit (5:16-18)

    3. Works of the Flesh and the Fruit of the Spirit (5:19-23)

    4. Formula for the Spirit's Power (5:24-26)

  3. The Holy Spirit in Ephesians

    1. Sealed w/Holy Spirit (1:13)

    2. Access by the Spirit (2:18)

    3. Built Habitation of God by Spirit (2:22)

    4. Mystery Revealed by Spirit (3:5)

    5. Stengthened w/Might by Spirit (3:16)

    6. Unity of Spirit (4:3)

    7. One Spirit (4:4)

    8. Grieve not the Spirit (4:30)

    9. Fruit of Spirit (5:9)

    10. Be Filled w/Spirit (5:18)

    11. Sword of the Spirit (6:17)

    12. Praying in the Spirit (6:18)

    Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
    3015 Pelzer Hwy
    Easley, SC 29642

    Your prayer support is greatly appreciated and we ask you to pray that the Lord would continue to use this ministry for His honor and glory. Please feel free to contact us at any time with questions or comments.


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