1. Three Characteristics of The Love (Romans 12:9)
    1. Let love be without dissimulation (hypocrisy)
    2. Abhor that which is evil
    3. Cleave to that which is good
  2. Twelve Objectives of Love (Romans 12:10-21)
    1. Devotion (v.10a)
    2. Unselfishness (v.10b)
    3. Enthusiasm (v.11)
    4. Hopefulness (v.12a)
    5. Consistency (v.12b)
    6. Prayerfulness (v.12c)
    7. Generosity (v.13a)
    8. Hospitality (v.13b)
    9. Love Enemies (v.14)
    10. Sensitivity to the Truth (v.15)
    11. Humility (v.16)
    12. Wisdom toward Evil (v.17-21)
      1. Recompense to no man evil for evil
      2. Provide things honest in the sight of all men
      3. Live peaceably with all men
      4. Avenge not yourselves
      5. Give place unto wrath
      6. Show love to enemy
      7. Be not overcome with evil
      8. Overcome evil with good

    Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
    3015 Pelzer Hwy
    Easley, SC 29642

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