Text: I Thessalonians 3:12

Theme: Necessity of Supernatural Love

Title: Increasing and Abounding in The Love

  1. Source of Supernatural Love
    1. The Lord God our Father
    2. The Lord Jesus Christ
    3. The Lord the Holy Spirit
  2. Subjects of Supernatural Love
    1. You (the Thessalonian Saints)
    2. You (the 21st Century Saints)
  3. Activity of Supernatural Love
    1. Increasing
    2. Abounding
  4. Objects of Supernatural Love
    1. One Toward Another (Edifying of Saints)
    2. Toward All Men (Evangelizing of Sinners)
  5. Example of Supernatural Love
    1. Paul's Boldness in Suffering (2:2)
    2. Paul's Gentleness in Ministry (2:7)
    3. Paul's Laboring and Travail (2:9)
    4. Paul's Godly Behavior (2:10-12)
    5. Paul's Comfort/Joy in Affliction (3:7-9)
    6. Paul's Continual Praying (3:10)
  6. Sixteen Perfections of Supernatural Agape Love (I Corinthians 13:4-8)
    1. Love suffers long
    2. Love is kind
    3. Love envies not
    4. Love vaunts not itself
    5. Love is not puffed up
    6. Love does not behave itself unseemly
    7. Love seeks not her own
    8. Love is not easily provoked
    9. Love thinks no evil
    10. Love rejoices not in iniquity
    11. Love rejoices in the truth
    12. Love bears all things
    13. Love believes all things
    14. Love hopes all things
    15. Love endures all things
    16. Love never fails

Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

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