I. First Returning Remnant/Construction of
the Temple/Zerubbabel (Chapter 1-6)
A. Cyrus' Decree (1:1-4)
B. Return of the People (1:5-2:70)
C. Preparation of the People (3:1-6)
D. Temple Foundation Complete (3:7-13)
E. Temple Opposition (4:1-24)
F. Temple Completion/Dedication
G. Celebration of Passover (6:19-22)
II. Second Returning Remnant/Restoration of
the People/Ezra (7:1-10:44)
A. Ezra's Preparation (7:1-10)
B. Decree of Artaxerxes (7:11-28)
C. Preparation/Return of the Remnant
D. Sin of the People Revealed (9:1,2)
E. Ezra's Response (9:3,4)
F. Ezra's Prayer (9:5-15)
G. Revival/Restoration of People
III. The Lord
Jesus Christ's Superior Priesthood/Covenant/Sanctuary/Sacrifice (Hebrews
A. Superior Priesthood of Melchizedek
B. Inferior Priesthood of Aaron (7:11-28)
C. Superior Covenant of Christ (8:1-13)
D. Superior Sacrifice and Sanctuary of
Christ (9:1-10:18)
IV. The
Superiority of the Christian's Walk of Faith (10:19-13:25)
A. Ehortation to Full Assurance of Faith
B. Endurance of Faith (12:1-29)
C. Exhortation to Love (13:1-17)
D. Ending with Grace (13:18-25)