So, let us examine the claims of the Bible through the eye of history and see if it is true, "Can Jesus Really Save Us?" The first example we will investigate is one of the most complete, and thorough accounts found in the Bible, the transformation of the Demoniac of Gadara. Here in Mark 5:1-20 is the story of a man who was completely possessed of the devil. And let me underline the validity of this man's testimony. Much of what he suffered in his Struggle with Satan prior to meeting Jesus was evident in my own life before I was saved. This is not some far-fetched account of an unusual event which occurred 2,000 years ago, no, this is 20th Century reality! Men and women of today are repeatedly suffering these same results of demonic influence and possession!
Let us examine the text and list the effects Satan had on this demon-possessed man.
1. Unusual Interest in the Dead (v.2,3,5)
2. Outcast of Society
3. Exceeding Fierce (Agressive, Hostile toward Others-Matthew
4. Unusual Strength (v.4)
5. Self-inflicted Wounds (v.5)
Continual Unrest (v.5)
7. Continual Crying/Screams (v.5)
8. Morals Out of
Control (Luke 8:27)
9. Mental/Spiritual Disorder/Split
Personality/Schizophrenia (v.6,7)
10. Isolated Himself from Others/Loner
(Matthew 8:28)
This man was controlled by a great multitude of demons, a "Legion, for we are many" (v.9) was the reply of the demon who spoke to Jesus. These outward demonstrations of demon-possession are certainly evident in the lives of multitudes of people in our present day, and only Jesus can save from these demonically produced sins!
This man did what each and every person must do, not just those who are demon-possessed, but all men regardless of the degree of sin in their life for the Bible clearly teaches that "All have sinned and come short" (Romans 3:23). All of us are born in sin, for "As by one man (The father of all mankind, Adam) sin entered into the world, and death by sin, so death passed upon all men for that all have sinned" (Romans 5:12). This man "Ran to Jesus and worshipped Him". It was in this one moment of time the Demoniac realized only Jesus could save him from his tormented sinful condition, and he surrendered his will, putting his faith in Jesus alone Who alone could save, and the results of Jesus power to save him from demonic possession by delivering him from the power of sin itself is evident in v.15 where the man is found "Sitting, and clothed and in his right mind".
This immediate and complete transformation is the evidence of a man that is truly changed from within. "Therefore, if any man be in Christ he is a new creature, old things are passed away, behold all things are become new." (II Corinthians 5:17) The peace of God now controlled his attitude and actions "Therefore, being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ." (Romans 5:1) This man's faith brought him into a new relationship with God. His peace was the result of his being justified by his faith, no longer an enemy of God, he is now seated in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus. (Ephesians 2:1-6)