Psalm 12Here we are in the Psalm that proclaims the purity and preservation of the Word of God. Although David laments the lack of godly men, and their empty worthless speech with the proud and flattering tongue, making boasts of how they will 'prevail' with their tongue/lips being their own 'lord' as it were, smacking of the humanistic thought of today, his introductory statement of the Lord's arising and setting 'in safety' the poor who are oppressed by these ungodly men. This introductory statement in (v.5) divides the two contrasting sections of this Psalm. The first four verses describe the People of Vanity and (v.6,7) give the sure foundations of the Purity of the Word and the Preservation of the Word. Herein lies the contesting contrast even in our own day. Will it be the vain humanistic thinking of our day that rules the life, or will it be the pure and preserved of the Living God? Will the 'godly man' prevail, 'the faithful' believer in the Lord Jesus Christ as He is revealed in the pure and preserved Word of God or will it be the humanistic god of self without any absolutes and an end that leads to an eternal torment in hell? So, rather that focus on the negative description of the godless, yes godless, not just ungodly, but the godless, those who reject the notion that there is a God in heaven, those who think the Bible is just a book of mere fables and worthless stories, yes, there are those who give the Word of God that description, as one man told me just a few days ago when he tried to witness to his son who scoffed and told him exactly the sad words above with a spirit of contempt! But, we, those of us who have been born-again according to this pure and preserved Word of God, have a much different opinion of God's precious and holy Word. We have been delivered from the power of darkness and translated into the kingdom of God's dear Son, the Lord Jesus Christ when we repented of our sin and believed on Him. Yes, it is the pure and preserved Word of God that told me I was a sinner in need of a Savior for "Greater love hath no man than this that a man lay down His life for His friends" (John 15:13) and it was at this verse after reading the first fifteen chapters of the Gospel of :John that the Lord broke through my hardened heart and I repented of my sin and received the Lord Jesus Christ by faith that day, March 7, 1980, what a glorious day! And, so, when David says: "The Words of the LORD are pure Words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times", He is testifying to the purity and preciousness of something he has experienced in his own life and recognizes the value of something that God has given to man and is likened to the seven-fold refinement of fine silver which has undergone the thorough process of the fires of refinement. Then, he makes a statement that relies on God for preservation, not a translation, not an English translation, not a man-made work, but on the very God of heaven. The God of the Bible does not need any help from man in performing what He promises, if that were the case we could never trust in these promises, if they depended on man, for man will fail, but Jesus never fails! "Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever." Here, not only does the God of heaven through the prophet David make a statement verifying God's preservation of His Word, but the emphasis in the word 'keep' is the act of guarding, watching over vigilantly with great care. Therefore, it is not for man to be concerned with the preservation of the Word of God, it is for man to proclaim the Word of God and win souls for Jesus! If we, the born-again army of God, go forth bearing precious seed, we shall doubtless come again rejoicing, bringing our sheaves with us. (Psalm 126:6)
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