Psalm 104
The Lord has blessed my soul through this powerful Psalm, which is entitled ‘The Poet’s Version of the Genesis Creation’, during my lunch break today, by opening my eyes to see the great beauty of praising and singing unto Him in spite of all outward circumstances for it is in the praise and worship that He dwells and makes Himself known by His Spirit to our spirit. Look at the last few verses, which are the Psalmists heart response to God’s might actions in creation, and see with me the blessed benefit of pouring out our hearts in fullness of worship to the Lord Jesus Christ: ‘I will sing unto the LORD as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. My meditation of Him shall be sweet: I will be glad in the LORD.’ (v.33,34) The Hebrew method of emphasis used here is called parallelism, not only does the Psalmist pledge to sing unto the LORD throughout the length of his life, but he shows his earnest desire by giving the phrase ‘while I have my being’ focusing on his full surrender of all that is his to control! Every ounce of his being, every hour of his existence is given over to the LORD! But, he continues this majestic song of worship-filled surrender by telling us of his meditation, his all consuming consideration of God from each and every angle possible, musing upon the person of Christ, mulling over in his mind the beauties of the Lord, the glory of the Cross, the full and complete love of Christ for his soul, and the many facets of the beautiful jewel of salvation itself. He tells us his ‘meditation of Him shall be sweet’ giving to us the perfect picture of the fruit of focusing on the LORD. It truly is sweet to the soul and refreshing to the spirit when we ‘turn our eyes upon Jesus’ blocking out the ‘things of this world’, zooming our mind in on what truly is tasty to our soul, the preciousness of the Lord Jesus Christ and the ‘so great salvation’ He has given to us! He ends this brief song of praise by showing us the end result of singing praise and meditating upon the living Lord Jesus, which in fact is the Word of God, and this result is: ‘I will be glad in the LORD’ This is the blessing which the LORD wants to give to all His children, gladness, joy, happiness, for truly ‘Blessed is the man that trusteth in Him’ Then in the final verse a prophetic event is previewed: ‘Let the sinner be consumed out of the earth, and let the wicked be no more.’ This will not happen until the end of the age when the Lord in His wrath will bring about the Day of the Lord judgment upon the earth with the most significant event being the destruction and fall of Babylon unfolded particularly in Revelation 17-19. However, this event is also spoken of in many other prophetic passages found in the Old Testament. Isaiah 20:9 records the first fall of Babylon which has already taken place, but Isaiah also speaks of a future destruction of Babylon in chapter 13:9 which is in the context of the end times Day of the Lord judgment (13:6-22). This demands the rebuilding of that city which has already been proposed by the present ruler of Iraq and could well be on the horizon in the near future! The significance of all this to me, is how the Lord brought these two passages (Psalm 104:35; Isaiah 13,20) to my attention the very same day my study schedule took me to Revelation 17-19. Each one focuses on the fall of Babylon! This mighty judgment of God upon the corrupt religious and political systems at the end of the age is one of the most written about events in the book of Revelation as it consumes two full chapters (17,18) and part of the next chapter (19). He is indeed zeroing in on His prophetic message for the end of the age during this time in my ministry, giving me the necessary insight to understand the parts of His program that He wants to emphasize. And, I am thankful to Him that He has not only called me as a child of His, but He has also called me to study and pray so that I might be the servant He intended during these closing days of history!
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