If a Kingdom exists, there must be a King. And if a Kingdom exists, then there must be subjects of the King. Well, truly, the Bible tells us the Kingdom of God is "alive and well" this day, even though the King's Name, His Word, and His Doctrine are being blasphemed on earth continually! And, yes there are subjects of the King, even though some are unwilling, there is still the "remnant", those faithful men and women who are under His Authority, serving Him, till He comes to receive them, from His Heavenly Palace.
There also is be a place, in His Heavenly Palace, for these subjects to appear before the King of Glory. Yes, we must be thankful for this hallowed place where we, the subjects of the King, meet with Him. It is called the Holy of Holies, where the blessed and all powerful Throne of God is located. In the Old Testament, the Mercy Seat, also located in the Holy of Holies within the tabernacle, was where the high priest met with God once a year to atone for his own sins and the sins of the children of Israel. But, our Lord Jesus Christ, opened up the way into this present Throne Room of God, when He paid the Eternal Price, His Own Blood, on the Cross for the sins of the world, giving us continual access through His grace into the very presence of God! So, now, we subjects of the King can enter into the Holiest by the precious Blood of Jesus! Is this not the highest privelege any mortal could attain? Spending time in the presence of our Father, the King of Heaven? Heeding His bidding as He speaks to us by His Holy Spirit, giving us His marching orders, being led by His Captain into the battle for His glory! Now, if there is another privelege we, as subjects of the King, have to accomplish in service to Him, I surely would like to know what it could be!
Soulwinning? Yes, that too is an honored privelege, but, time alone with Him, Who intimately knows our souls and those we attempt to win for Him is, to me, a much higher privelege. Besides, in order for our soulwinning efforts to be successful, we must spend time with Him, learning of His precious priorities, His compassionate ways, allowing our souls to soak up His love, that we might be submissive to His wooing, so that He can walk in us, accomplishing His work through us, His instruments, the subjects of the King!
Yes, power must proceed from The Throne of God, and be applied to the souls of men in order for them to be saved. The Great Omnipotent God of Heaven must send forth His power by and through the Holy Spirit, convicting men of their sin, their righteousness, and their coming judgment, so that they might be drawn to the Lord Jesus, Who alone can deliver them from sin and save their souls. It is for this Great Power, that proceeds from the Throne of God, that we must pray! Intercession for the souls of men! The greatest privilege we can attain, for it is the most Christlike activity that we, the subjects of the King, can perform!