In James 2:14-26 the subject of faith and works and their interaction is the topic in view. Ten times faith and works are found linked together in this brief passage. These two are inseparable elements of born-again the Bible way salvation! They are not two distinct stand alone entities, because you can not have one without the other. James here is dealing with those who "say" they have faith, remember, James did not say they had faith, but it was their empty profession of faith that was void of any works! Valid, Biblical faith will make itself known by the demonstration of Holy Spirit filled works.
In verse 14 James asks a rhetorical question with the obvious answer being "no". Can a saying/profession of faith without works save anyone? James is dealing with someone who really thinks their saying/profession of faith will save them. He is speaking to those who only profess and do not really possess living faith. "What doth it profit", what good, what gain or what benefit, "My brethren" the saved Jews? "Say" is the key word here, pointing to the their professing but not possessing faith. Since he is dealing with Jews who had long been tied to a legalistic system of works, the sacrificial system, temple worship, and the ceremonial and ritualistic keeping of the law, he knew it was necessary to emphasize the character of real faith in Christ. But, now, the pendulum swung the other way and some were just saying they had faith in Jesus, professing outwardly of something that was not an inward life changing truth, and totally rejecting the idea of the necessity of faithful works which naturally proceed from a regenerated heart!
He draws a vivid illustration in v.15,16 demonstrating the conduct of one who professes to have faith, but really does not possess Biblical faith. "If a brother or sister", fellow believers, "be naked and destitute of daily food", clad only in an undergarment, in rags, not properly dressed and without necessary sustenance, the description here is one of extreme poverty. Although poverty was not uncommon in the early church, this example shows someone who was suffering in severe need of the simple requirements necessary to sustain life. The response of the one professing faith in verse 16 is another instance of saying without acting, the mere verbal acknowledgrment of an unloving, cold, and inconsiderate heart, which draws James repeated statement of judgment: "What doth it profit", what gain is there, what good is it, what benefit is derived from that type of professing faith?
Verse 17 underlines and summarizes this 4 verse section describing: The Worthless Character of Professing Faith: "Even so faith, if it hath not works, is dead; being alone." One dozen accurately and succinctly spoken words are worth a thousand pictures! This, the key verse of the faith/works passage pronounces the essence of James' argument. Saying/professing faith characterized by the absence of action is worthless, without any redeeming value, and is as lifeless as a cold, inanimate body laying on a slab of marble! This graphic picture is as blunt and pointed as they come, but, this vital truth must be understood, for there are many present-day professors who are deceived and on their way to hell! These same type of professors existed in Jesus' time and were met with His open condemnation: "I never knew you, Depart from Me, ye that work iniquity"(Matthew 7:23)
James continues his condemnation of Faith without Works in v.18 when he offers this challenge to the professing person: Paraphrased, You say you have faith and I have works, I can demonstrate my faith by my works, but it is impossible for you to prove the presence of your faith without works! In v.19 James continues by citing the existence of one of the three types of faith; demonic faith. "The devils also believe", or give mental assent to the existence of God, and shudder, quake, shake with terror and fear of Him who is above all! The second type of faith is the faith that James is refuting, the professing, intellectual faith held by those who "When they knew God they glorified Him not as God, neither were thankful, but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened"(Romans 1:21), and the third type of faith is the Biblical faith that James held in his own heart, the faith from which proceeds works out of a heart filled with love for Christ and is the same faith which is created and nourished by the God of heaven through His blessed Word (Romans 10:17)! Verse 20 brings to a close this section entitled: The Emptiness of Faith without Works (v.18-20). He challenges his detractors by appealing to them with a probing question: "Wilt thou know O vain man that faith without works is dead?" Are you willing to know, to recognize and acknowledge the plain fact of this reality, that professing faith apart from producing works is completely lifeless? This type of interrogatory demand requires and calls for a corresponding answer. James presses this argument "to the hilt", openly and justifiably forcing the saying/professing person to consider their position and respond to these vital Biblical truths!
The next 6 verses bring the argument to a close in the familiar and typical habit of James who supplies an open and shut case, through 2 confirming illustrations, to this brief but pointed Biblical argument. The Demonstration of Genuine Faith in Action is given utilizing 2 Bible illustrations(v.21-26). James uses 2 extremely familiar Biblical personalities from both ends of the spectrum of the Old Testament "Hall of the Faithful and Famous". Abraham enters as the first example of one who demonstrated works out of a faithful heart. His faith was a working faith based on the promise of God's Word. His action of presenting his son of promise, Isaac, as a sacrifice to the God of heaven, demonstrated his faith in a supernatural lifegiving God: "Accounting that God was able to raise him up even from the dead" (Hebrews 11:19). Thirty years after God had reckoned to Abraham His righteousness when Abraham believed God and was saved (Genesis 15:6), Abraham demonstrated his faith by his works. The result was his unquestioned works of obedience proceeding from a faithful heart (Genesis 22:1-18). Although this was not the first or only demonstration of Abraham's faith, it is the most well known and revered by the Jews, and therefore, it was the one chosen for the first illustration by James.
He, now, turns to the other end of the spectrum, a Gentile, a woman, and a harlot. James knew the high position Abraham held in the minds of the Jews, realizing that some might reject the possibility of they themselves ever attaining to such great acts of faith as the "Father of the Faithful". So, the lowly Rahab, was chosen to illustrate his powerful argument which would include all from every level of Jewish society. However, Rahab, who would later be included in the Hebrews 11 Hall of the Faithful and Famous fit right into his well laid plan. She demonstrated her faith, which was based on her knowledge of a supernatural, miracle-working God, when she cited God's past, powerful deliverances of Israel and confessed: "The Lord your God, He is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath." In the very next verse she calls God "The Lord" proving that her saving faith was active prior to the works she performed when she welcomed and protected the two spies, the messengers of God.(Joshua 2:13,14)
In verse 26 this closing but convincing analogy is given: "For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith without works is dead also. "dead... dead... dead...dead..." Four times James uses this solemn but descriptive word. In all three sections of his argument he pronounces the word "dead" giving his best description of professing faith apart from works. (v.17,20,26) Here in v.26, he paints the mental picture of a body, apart from the life-giving spirit, a still lifeless body that is not breathing, a person laying motionless without any sign of life immediately drawing the parallel of profession-based faith totally void of life-proving works. Faith representing the body, and works representing the breathing, life-giving spirit which demonstrates the life of real Biblical faith "alive and well" within!
My friend, do you have the active living faith of a possessing Christian who has been born-again the Bible way? The earmarks of Bible salvation is a pattern of good works out of a pure heart, a heart that loves the Lord Jesus Christ supremely for He and He alone can save and provide you with forgiveness and the marvelous gift of eternal life. If you have never turned from your sinful ways and received Him by faith now is the right time!