Christian Internet Evangelism: Outreach of BIBLE TRUTH MINISTRY INC. by Evangelist Larry Wolfe

"Avenues of Grace"

(.....continued from page 3)

So, it's time for us to put on our priestly garments, let us enter into the Tabernacle made without hands, Yes, let us offer the Spiritual sacrifices to the God of Heaven through the Lord Jesus Christ Who Alone is worthy! Let us recognize the "real world" significance of our ministry to the Lord, showing His compassion to those who have not heard the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ...But, before we speak His Word to others let us be sure the "avenues of grace" have been paved with our work of intercessory prayer, giving God the opportunity to begin working on His behalf in the lives of others.

If my own wife, and my own brothers, and my own mother, would have given up on the "Wolfeman" and had not earnestly prayed for me to be saved, I would be just finishing up my 17th year in hell!! That's right, it is about seventeen years ago that I was saved by His grace while reading His precious Word! Just a short time before, I was overcome by drugs and alcohol. Suicide seemed like my only way out of this "world".

But God, through the "avenues of grace" paved by those who loved me and interceded for my soul, reached down from His Throneroom in Heaven, and spoke to my heart. "Jesus loves you" are the three simple words I heard, I had sung them as a child, my mother did what she could to raise me right, so Jesus loves me, were three words I knew were true, and now, the fifteenth verse of the Gospel of John underlined this vital truth I had learned as a child. And God's still small voice said "Jesus loves you!" My heart was flooded with joy unspeakable! Laughter mingled with my tears of repentance as I realized Jesus was the anwer to the plight of my soul, but let us remember, it was all through His "avenues of grace" that God had worked His marvelous work of grace in my heart! YOU can be an "avenue" too.

Won't YOU, right now, pray to the Lord, committing yourself to this one goal, interceding for those who are "closest to hell" as a notable evangelist of yesteryear always prayed. Plead with God, to bring them into the Kingdom of His Dear Son? And then let Him lead YOU, and guide YOU, as YOU witness for Him. It could be YOU are the only one, the only one who has access to the Throne of the King of Heaven, YOU could be the only "avenue of grace" for these poor lost souls to enter the "Free Way" to heaven!

Will YOU take this simple challenge from the Word of God? Will YOU step by step by faith through memory and meditation on God's Word begin to prepare your heart to walk with the Lord and enter into the Throneroom of God so that YOU can fulfill your primary calling, your ministry to Him? Will YOU fulfill this high and holy calling given to YOU when you were saved from sin, death, and hell? If YOU will, YOU will be on God's list of saints who recognize their duty to not only minister to Him, but to those He sends your way. Those Divine Appointments! Those who need YOU to minister to their lost souls! Those who need YOU to minister to their hurting souls! If YOU say yes to Him, YOU will receive the "crown of rejoicing" from the King, YOU will also be on His list of king/priests who will have part in the first resurrection, the second death having no power over YOU, as YOU reign with the Lord for a thousand years! (Revelation 20:6)


Rev. Larry Wolfe--Evangelist
3015 Pelzer Hwy
Easley, SC 29642

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