This attitude of boldness, we as king/riests unto God must have as we enter into the Throneroom of the God of Heaven. Remembering our access into the Holiest was made possible by our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, when He suffered and died shedding His Blood on the Cross of Calvary! Our boldness to enter must be based on this most momentous event in the history of man! What an event! The most spectacular, awe- inspiring event in the history of the world! The very first thing to occur at the point of our Lord's death was the rending of the veil in the temple, opening up the way for us into the Holiest! Can you see it? Outside the city on Calvary's hill Jesus cries "It is finished!" Immediately the veil in the temple is rent, torn from top to bottom, a thick multi-layered curtain made of animal skins, was Supernaturally torn open breaking down the "wall of partition", opening up the way for all who knew Him as personal Lord and Saviour, and all of the saints to come, the great company of priests who would follow for the next two millennia!
Imagine this scene with me, you are the Roman centurion, It's totally dark, it has been now for almost three hours, the sun has supernaturally been kept from shining, there is this Man hanging there on the Cross, Who it is claimed by many to be the King of the Jews, as a matter of fact there is a sign saying this very thing in three different languages! There must be something to it? And now He cries out, giving up the ghost, commending His spirit to His Father, and the earth shudders and quakes with a great convulsion, graves are opened, there are "dead men" walking, making their way into the city of God, and you, a Roman soldier witnessing all of these supernatural phenomena, are being overtaken with these earth shaking events exclaim "Truly, this was the Son of God". You have now truly seen with the heart, the True Light, and you are miraculously saved! What a testimony!
All of these amazing occurrences have unfolded in the Holy Plan of God, His Only Son has just died for the sin of the whole world, your sin, He was the Only Perfect Man, He died in your place, His death provides you with eternal life in heaven, instead of the fiery torture of an eternal hell! You are now no longer just a centurion in the Roman army. You have become in an instant a true soldier of the Cross, and beside all this, you have been called to serve Him as a King/Priest in your own right, yes, you now can serve this Great King of Kings, your Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!
Also, included in this miraculous transaction are all of the other benefits of His Magnificent Work on the Cross! You now can have victory over sin in your life today! Because He lives! He's alive! He is risen! This was the greeting used by the early Christians, and His resurrection and exaltation at the Right Hand of the Father, supplies you with unparalleled, unprecedented, spirtitual blessings in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus. What a Saviour!
The major blessing we have received is our calling into the priesthood of the believer, providing us with access to the Father by the Holy Spirit! For it is this blessing from God to us that was immediately evident at the death of His Dear Son! The rending of the veil, the outward symbol of a magnificent Spiritual event, access to the King for all who believe, access to the One Who controls the universe!
Oh, yes, this has got to be one of the most significant if not THE most significant blessings we have received from our Lord Jesus. He provided us with the office of priest/king, the office formally held by, Melchizedec the King of Salem, Priest of the Most High God, the only one in Biblical history to be a priest/king, until our Lord Jesus Christ was seated at the Right Hand of the Father! This is truly a marvelous privelege, for us, as mortal men, to be ordained, placed into the ministry, called into an office that can only be fulfilled by us, whereby we can earn, through this same type of kingly/priestly ministry to the Lord and men, unsurpassed eternal rewards! It's no wonder this caused "such a fuss"!
Yes, the "fuss" in the spiritual kingdom of darkness definitely reached epic proportions, when the old "dragon" learned that his best laid plans to put to "death" the Son of God succeeded", but the deceiver himself was fooled! He played right into the Hand of the One Who holds the world together. I'm sure there was open bedlam in the halls of Hades when Satan found out there would now be a company of armed soldiers, a multitude of king/priests unto God, called out of the "mixed multitude", orderly marching in rank to the drummer of the King! Can you see it? Mortal men armed with God's weapons of warfare, felling the spiritual giants, as David of old, that once held them captive! Bringing them into captivity, each single enemy, bringing them into submission through the authority of the King to the obedience of Christ!
But, look again, these mortals are not just capturing their own enemies, they are also giving support, on the left flank and the right, in the battlefields of others who were held captive by him at his own will! Glory to God! Can what I'm seeing be true! Yes, I believe it is, I've experienced this spiritual comaradry myself! That's right, without the ones who have opened up the avenues of victory for me, I would be well nigh hopeless! Hallelujah what a Saviour!